Terms and Conditions


The work must be on a flat piece of A3 size paper (any variety/quality paper) with 1 cm external border.


Each individual can submit only one piece of work in each category, and the work should be his/her original work. Cartoon copied from the internet will not be encouraged and not considered.


Acceptable tools for  
1) Cartoon story board: Any drawing tool.


The artwork must not represent national flag, any particular individual, organization, or brand name and must not depict any religious theme.


Artwork incompatible with the above guidelines will not be considered.


By participating in the competition, you give us the right to publish any of your work on our website, social media platforms, and other promotional channels like (www.staysafeonline.in/ www.digitalnaagrik.isea.app/ www.isea.gov.in/)


Any misinformation or violation of rules will lead to disqualification.


Once your submission has been sent for the competition, it cannot be repurposed for another competition. If found, the entry will be disqualified.