Proliferate Mass Awareness on Cyber Hygiene and Cyber Security

Cybersecurity awareness involves consistently educating individuals about emerging threats and imparting knowledge on preventive measures. Given the dynamic nature of cyber threats, staying informed and adopting proactive measures is crucial for individuals, businesses, and organizations to safeguard themselves online. Raising a sense of proactive responsibility in individuals for their safety in cyberspace is essential. The following are methods to promote national-level cybersecurity awareness.


Cybersecurity awareness workshops/webinars serve as proactive measures to educate, empower, prepare individuals and organizations to navigate the evolving landscape of cyber threats as per the need and use of Technology.

These awareness workshops will be conducted by proficient domain experts, including Cyber Trainers, Cyber aware shikshak, Master Trainers, and Legal Enforcement Officers. These sessions aim to reach diverse users at the national level, delivering content in regional languages for broader accessibility and understanding.

Collaborations will be established with Ministries / Departments, State Departments, like-minded Organizations, CSCs (Common Service Centers), and Institutions to extend outreach to underserved areas nationwide. The objective is to raise awareness among digitally underserved citizens. Participants who engage in these awareness initiatives are encouraged to enroll in role-based Cyber Awareness progression pathway courses for continuous learning. Moreover, they are advised to participate in various competitions integrated into these courses. This approach ensures continuous Cyber Security Education, fosters a robust perspective, and opens pathways for potential careers in the Cyber Security domain.

  • Conduct 5500 workshops / webinars by cover  700000 participants at National level.
  • Master Trainer Training Programmes :  Teachers/ Faculty / Cyber  Trainers  – 100 Program and 140000 participants

A comprehensive week-long awareness programs are proposed to create sustainable mass awareness among the masses in collaboration with State police department. Proposed 27 Awareness weeks in Tier -I/II/III cities / District head quarter across States/ UTs & estimated to reach 81 lakhs citizens through direct / indirect mode during the project period. Following are the various activities proposed as part of the awareness week.

Activities of Cyber Safety and Security Awareness week:

  • Workshops and Introducing the Roles based Cyber Awareness progression pathways
  • Master Trainers Training Program
  • Release of Awareness material like awareness posters, sticker and hand books
  • Road shows / Street Plays
  • Cyber Aware Rallies, Cyber Aware walk/ Run, Roadshows
  • Poster / Banner display in Public places /Community meeting/ Awareness
  • Radio and TV Programs

Target Groups:

  • Children, Teen, Women, Men, Youth Groups and Government officers
  • Senior Citizens, Employees, Business people, NGOs/ CSR agencies and General public

An awareness program through print, electronic, and social media is an effective way to disseminate information and educate the public on Cyber Hygiene. Social media platforms are used to reach out the larger number users to increase brand awareness and engagement to proliferate the Cyber Hygiene Practices among the various user.

Cyber-fitness App – to assess cyber security quotient of users and re-directing curated content – blogs, short-videos, awareness training, etc

Community Radio Networks will be used to promote the Cyber Security Awareness among the masses in the remotest locations by producing storyline programs with the security advisories. The community Radio network is located across the Nation and most of them are located in rural areas.

Television, All India Radio, and Community Radio stand out as powerful mediums for effectively disseminating cyber awareness messages.

Following are the various modes to reach the unreached Digital Naagrik

  • Awareness programmes through DD/AIR/ Community Radio
  • Awareness programmes through Print and Electronic Media
  • Awareness programmes through Social Media / Exhibitions / Publications
  • Awareness programmes through Digi Shala (educational TV channel for cyber hygiene)/ OTT Platform
  • Cyber-fitness App