Respecting Copyrights

Respecting Copyrights

Respecting Copyrights while Navigating the Digital Landscape



Cyber Ethics Acceptance

Respect the customs of different places

Respect the customs of different places

Sensitivity to National and Local Cultures Respect the customs of different places

Cyber Ethics Sensitivity

Cyber Ethics Sensitivity

Cyber Ethics Sensitivity to National and Local Cultures

Encouraging safe use of internet

Encouraging safe use of internet

Encouraging safe use of internet

UPI and E wallet

UPI and E wallet

UPI and E wallet

Social Media Frauds

Social Media Frauds

Social Media Frauds

Password Security

Password Security

Password Security

Employment Scam

Employment Scam

Employment Scam

Fake Social Media Profiles

Fake Social Media Profiles

Be aware of Fake Social Media Profiles

Data Security

Data Security

Be a digital Naagrik

Credit and Debit card

Credit and Debit card

Secure your Credit and Debit card