Terms and Conditions


This is a short film competition/ short Awareness video competition and hence ONLY Short Films should be submitted NO DOCUMENTARIES. The entries can be short live action or digital animation films too on the thematic areas.


DURATION: The film shall not be more than 5 mins including the beginning and end credits.


FORMAT: The films may be shot in MPEG4 or AVI format. The recommended ratios are: 16:9 / 16:9 Full Height Anamorphic – in SDV / HDV.


The video should:  
1) Not depict any horror/conflicts  
2) Not harm any living objects.


The short films may be in their original language but MUST be subtitled in ENGLISH.


The video must not represent any individual, organization, or brand name and must not depict any religious theme.


Each individual can submit only one piece of work in each category, and the work should be his/her original work.


Short videos not following the above guidelines will be rejected.


By participating in the competition, you give us the right to publish any of your work on our website, social media platforms, and other promotional channels like (www.staysafeonline.in/ www.digitalnaagrik.isea.app/ www.isea.gov.in/)


Any misinformation or violation of rules will lead to disqualification.


Once your submission has been sent for the competition, it cannot be repurposed for another competition. If found, the entry will be disqualified.