Cyber Security Tip of the Day 05

Cyber Security Tip of the Day 05

Symptoms of Malware attack

Cyber Security Tip of the Day 04

Cyber Security Tip of the Day 04

Always Protect your Backup

Cyber Security Tip of the Day 03

Cyber Security Tip of the Day 03

Protect your Sensitive Doc

Cyber Security Tip of the Day 02

Cyber Security Tip of the Day 02

Remove USB and Pen drives from Computer

Cyber Security Tip of the Day 01

Cyber Security Tip of the Day 01

Be cautious while using eternal devices

Cyber Security Tip of the Day 31

Cyber Security Tip of the Day 31

Take regular backup of valuable data

Cyber Security Tip of the Day 30

Cyber Security Tip of the Day 30

Never download files with double extension misleading files names especially from strangers

Cyber Security Tip of the Day 27

Cyber Security Tip of the Day 27

Avoid using bad language and never misbehave while interacting online

Cyber Security Tip of the Day 28

Cyber Security Tip of the Day 28

Do not download files sent by strangers while interacting online

Cyber Security Tip of the Day 29

Cyber Security Tip of the Day 29

Read the terms and conditions carefully before proceeding online

Cyber Security Tip of the Day 26

Cyber Security Tip of the Day 26

Never meet online friends in person without family permission

Cyber Security Tip of the Day 25

Cyber Security Tip of the Day 25

Avoid interacting with Strangers Online
