Malware can be spread in a variety of ways, cybercriminals often use multiple techniques to maximize their reach including through email attachments, malicious websites, and infected USB drives etc.,. It is important to be aware of the risks of malware and to take steps to protect your computer from infection.

some of the common ways in which malware can spread:

Email attachments: Malware can be attached to seemingly innocent emails, often disguised as a document or file. When the attachment is opened, the malware infects the system.

Infected websites: Cybercriminals can compromise legitimate websites by injecting malicious code into them. Visitors who browse these compromised sites can unknowingly download and install malware onto their devices.

Drive-by downloads: Malicious software can be automatically downloaded and installed onto a user's device when they visit a compromised website, click on a malicious ad, or even hover over a specific area of a webpage.

Phishing emails and websites: Phishing emails and fake websites mimic legitimate organizations, tricking users into divulging sensitive information like login credentials or credit card details. These phishing attempts can also lead to the unwitting installation of malware.