Protect personal Information

In the digital world, protecting personal information is a cornerstone of cyber ethics. Just like respecting others in the real world, online ethics emphasize safeguarding sensitive data like your address, passwords. This helps keep your information private and prevents it from falling into the wrong hands.


    Safety: Sharing personal information like addresses, phone numbers, or full names can make teens vulnerable to online predators or strangers. This could lead to stalking, harassment, or even physical danger.

    Preventing Identity Theft: Information like birthdays, home addresses, in the wrong hands can be used for identity theft, causing problems and a lot of hassle.

    Social Engineering: Deceptive tactics used by hackers or scammers can trick teens into revealing personal information. By being mindful of what they share online, teens can avoid these social engineering traps.

    In the digital age, protecting personal information is crucial for both individuals and society as a whole. This principle respects individual privacy and autonomy by ensuring control over personal data. Data security measures like encryption and firewalls safeguard information from unauthorized access and misuse. Informed consent, where individuals clearly understand how their data is used, is another key element.

    Furthermore, data minimization and purpose limitation ensure only necessary data is collected for specific purposes. Transparency and accountability are vital, requiring organizations to be clear about data practices and provide mechanisms for individuals to control their information. Respect for context and consent acknowledges the sensitivity of certain data and ensures clear, freely given permission for its use.

    Finally, compliance with data privacy Acts like Personal Data Protection Act, 2023(DPDP) Act, strengthens these protections. By upholding these principles, trust is built between individuals and organizations, fostering responsible and ethical behaviour in the digital world.