"Encouraging safe usage of the Internet" as part of cyber ethics goes beyond simply avoiding harm. It's about fostering practices and behaviours that prioritize the security, privacy, and well-being of individuals in digital environments. This means equipping users with critical thinking skills to recognize reliable information, protecting them from malicious content and online threats, and promoting responsible online behaviour that respects intellectual property and fosters a positive digital community.

Overall, safe internet use empowers women to enjoy the full benefits of the online world without fear of harassment or harm.

    Exposure to Harmful Content: Women may be more vulnerable to online scams, revenge porn, and other malicious content. Being aware of these threats, online safety tools and filtering options can protect women from encountering such material

    Increased Risk of Online Harassment: Women are disproportionately targeted for online harassment, including stalking, bullying, and abusive messages. Safe practices like privacy settings and selective information sharing can help minimize this risk.

    Empowerment and Opportunity: The internet offers a platform for education, business, and connection. Safe online practices ensure women can access these opportunities without fear or intimidation.

    Privacy Concerns: Women may be more vulnerable to online scams or attempts to steal personal information. Strong passwords, healthy doubting of unknown sources and awareness of phishing tactics can offer crucial protection.

    Safe internet use requires empowering users and protecting them. First, users need digital literacy skills to navigate online dangers. This means teaching them about cybersecurity, privacy, and how to identify threats. Schools can play a big role by providing educational programs on these topics.

    Secondly, creating a safe online environment requires collaboration. Schools, governments, and tech companies all have a part to play. Schools can offer safety tools and resources, while governments can implement policies and tech companies can develop secure technologies. By working together, we can create a safer and more trustworthy internet for everyone.