Content Delivery Networks (CDNs):

CDNs distribute traffic across multiple servers located in different geographical regions, reducing the impact of DDoS attacks by absorbing and mitigating malicious traffic.

Leveraging CDNs to cache and serve static content, distributing the load across multiple servers, and enabling the CDN's robust infrastructure to absorb and filter attack traffic.

Load Balancers:

Load balancers distribute incoming network traffic evenly across multiple servers, ensuring that no single server becomes overwhelmed by excessive requests.

Implementing load balancers in front of web servers or application servers to distribute traffic and mitigate the impact of volumetric or application layer attacks.

Redundancy and Scalability:

Designing systems with redundancy and scalability in mind helps distribute the load and absorb the impact of DDoS attacks across multiple servers or infrastructure components.

Employing redundant network links, multiple servers, load balancers, and distributed architecture to handle increased traffic and maintain service availability during attacks.

Incident Response and Recovery:

Having a well-defined incident response plan and recovery procedures in place enables organizations to respond swiftly and efficiently to DDoS attacks, minimize downtime, and restore services.

Preparing incident response plans, conducting drills, and ensuring backup and recovery mechanisms are in place to quickly mitigate attacks, analyze the impact, and restore normal operations.

It's important to note that mitigation techniques should be implemented in combination and tailored to the specific needs and infrastructure of the organization. Regular monitoring, analysis of network traffic, and staying updated with the latest DDoS attack trends are essential to effectively defend against evolving DDoS threats.