Password threats include various methods like phishing, brute-force attacks, and credential stuffing, which aim to steal or guess passwords. These threats can compromise personal and organizational security, leading to data breaches and unauthorized access to sensitive information.


      Brute Force Attacks: Automated tools repeatedly guess passwords until the correct one is found, targeting weak or easily guessable passwords.

      Phishing: Attackers trick individuals into revealing passwords through deceptive emails or messages mimicking legitimate entities.

      Social Engineering: Manipulative tactics, like posing as trusted sources, are used to extract passwords from unsuspecting employees.

      Password Reuse: Using the same password across multiple accounts poses a risk; a breach in one account compromises others.

      Keylogging: Malicious software captures keystrokes, including passwords, potentially exposing sensitive login credentials.

      Dictionary Attacks: Lists of common passwords or words are employed to guess passwords, particularly those lacking complexity.

      Insider Threats: Malicious insiders or disgruntled employees may exploit their access to gain unauthorized entry to systems using passwords.

      Credential Stuffing: Stolen passwords from one breach are used to gain unauthorized access to other accounts.

      Weak Password Policies: Lack of enforcement or adherence to strong password policies increases vulnerability to attacks.

      Unsecured Networks: Accessing sensitive accounts or information over unsecured networks exposes passwords to interception by attackers.