Password vulnerabilities and threats include various methods like phishing, brute-force attacks, and credential stuffing, which aim to steal or guess passwords. These threats can compromise personal and organizational security, leading to data breaches and unauthorized access to sensitive information.


      1. Phishing Attacks: Deceptive emails or messages can trick NGO staff into sharing passwords, compromising security.

      2. Weak Passwords: Simple or easily guessable passwords make NGO accounts vulnerable to unauthorized access.

      3. Insider Threats: Malicious actors within the organization may misuse passwords to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data.

      4. Password Reuse: Using the same password for multiple accounts increases the risk of widespread compromise if one account is breached.

      5. Lack of Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Without 2FA, NGO accounts are more susceptible to unauthorized access if passwords are compromised.

      6. Social Engineering: Manipulative tactics can trick NGO staff into revealing passwords, exploiting human vulnerability to gain unauthorized access.

      7. Unencrypted Communication: Sending passwords through unsecured channels exposes them to interception by attackers, compromising NGO security.

      8. Keylogging: Malicious software can secretly record typed passwords, posing a threat to the security of NGO information.

      9. Outdated Security Measures: Failure to update security protocols can leave CSC accounts vulnerable to exploitation.

      10. Poor Password Management: Neglecting to update passwords or implement secure management methods poses significant risks.

      11. Limited Awareness: Lack of knowledge about password security heightens vulnerability to attacks.

      12. Inadequate Password Policies: Poorly enforced password policies, such as weak complexity requirements or infrequent password changes, can leave NGOs susceptible to attacks.