Latha was a successful software engineer in her 30’s working in Hyderabad. She had created an online profile on a popular matrimony site to find a suitable groom to her liking. When Rohan contacted her, Latha checked his profile online where it was mentioned that he was a highly placed officer in a Government Organization, and his family was respectable and well to do. Impressed with the profile she pursued the match with approval of her family. After some time Rohan requested Latha to help him with some money as he was in dire need of it. Trusting him, Latha helped him out with a lot of money. It was latter on when suddenly Rohan went untraceable and had switched off his mobile totally, that she identified something was wrong. After approaching the police department, she came to know that ‘Raghuveer’ alias ‘Rohan’ was actually a fraudster who trapped woman for money and committed crimes.
