While technological shift brings numerous benefits it puts forth individual and societal well-being issues like excess screen time, digital addiction, physical stress & strain etc., Digital wellbeing involves inculcating healthy, wise and informed digital device usage practices, that fosters positive relationship with technology.

Parents must be vigilant in promoting healthy digital device usage habits, as they significantly impact the wellbeing of children in the family. Understanding the impact of digital device usage habits, helps parents model and demonstrate good and right practices that help mitigate the possible risks due to bad digital device usage choices.

Let us have a look at some of the digital device usage choices and possible impacts.


    Excessive Screen Time: Spending too many hours on devices without breaks.

    Poor Posture: Slouching or hunching over screens, leading to musculoskeletal issues.

    Late-Night Usage: Using devices before bed, which can disrupt sleep patterns and cause insomnia.

    Lack of Physical Activity: Sedentary behavior associated with prolonged device use.

    Inadequate Eye Care: Staring at screens for long periods without breaks, causing eye strain and discomfort.

    Multitasking: Frequently switching between tasks, reducing focus and increasing stress.

    Digital Addiction: Overreliance on devices for entertainment and social interaction, leading to decreased real-world engagement.

    Neglecting Offline Relationships: Prioritizing online interactions over face-to-face relationships, which can lead to social isolation.

    Exposure to Negative Content: Frequent exposure to harmful or distressing content online, affecting mental health.

    Inadequate Privacy Measures: Poor handling of personal information and weak security practices, leading to potential security risks.

    Eating While Using Devices: Eating meals in front of a screen instead of at the table with family.

    Neglecting daily Chores: Neglecting or avoiding doing daily chores or avoiding daily routine and personal hygiene and being engaged with devices all the time.

    These habits suggest excess screen time or digital addiction and need to be addressed appropriately.