The Internet of Things (IoT) is basically a network of physical devices, appliances and everyday objects that are embedded with sensors, software and other tech that allows them to connect and exchange data with other devices and systems over the internet.


      Strong passwords and authentication: This is the first line of defence. Change the default passwords that come with most devices and set unique, strong passwords for each device. If possible, enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for added security.

      Keep your devices updated: Just like your computer and phone, IoT devices need regular security updates to patch vulnerabilities. Make sure you install updates whenever they become available.

      Restrict network access: Many IoT devices don't need full access to your home network. If possible, set them up on a separate network segment or use guest network access to limit their ability to communicate with other devices.

      Disable unused features: Many IoT devices have features you might not be using. Disable any features that could be potential security risks.

      Research before you buy: When purchasing new IoT devices, consider security as a major factor. Look for devices from reputable manufacturers with a good track record of security updates.