• Never share OTP, PIN, CVV, Debit/Credit card details with anyone.
  • Do not respond to any calls asking to confirm or share account/card/bank details  that   has been “stolen/lost” or encourage to reveal personal information in order to receive   a prize/lottery/gifts/enhanced services/ updating KYC etc.,
  • Do not call the numbers of service providers randomly found by google search as they can be fake numbers.
  • Use the contact numbers available on authorized websites of the institutes/organizations/banks etc., only to contact customer care executives or service providers.
  • In case of any incident user should also block the card or freeze the account in case changing the password is not feasible immediately.
  • Users should routinely review bank and credit card statements for unexplained charges or inquiries that aren’t initiated by the user.
  • Beware of calls asking to share personal information or asking to install any desk on the pretext of helping.
  • Contact the bank and report about any untoward incident, in case of an issue.