Digital addiction and excessive screen time have become significant concerns in our current digital world, especially for youngsters who are engaged with digital devices constantly.


    • Feeling constantly tired and unable to focus.

    • Experiencing headaches and difficulty concentrating.


    • Struggling to complete tasks efficiently.

    • Procrastinating and finding it hard to stay motivated.


    • Feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or stressed about staying connected.

    • Becoming easily irritated or moody.


    • Complaining of headaches, eye strain, or blurry vision.

    • Experiencing neck, back, and wrist pain due to poor posture.


    • Having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep.

    • Feeling tired during the day due to late-night screen use.


    • Ignoring chores, homework, or work tasks in favor of screen time.

    • Forgetting or avoiding daily responsibilities.


    • Preferring digital interactions over in-person relationships.

    • Avoiding friends and family to spend more time online.


    • Skipping meals or eating in front of screens.

    • Choosing unhealthy snacks and meals due to convenience.


    • No longer enjoying hobbies or activities that don’t involve screens.

    • Spending less time on physical activities and outdoor play.


    • Hiding how much time is spent on devices.

    • Sneaking screen time when it's not allowed.