Insecure Authentication and Authorization

Vulnerabilities with authentication mechanisms, that can allow malicious actors to fake or bypass authentication to access private data/features or access functionality intended for administrators poses threat to mobile app security.

Insecure data storage

Secure data storage is essential for data protection, however it is observed that most of the organizations may often overlook mobile app security in a rush to launch their apps. Unreliable data storage is one of the most significant app vulnerabilities, as it leads to data theft and severe financial challenges. 

Sensitive data exposure

When a mobile app or company or other entity accidently expose personal data it is called sensitive data exposure. Data exposure can be caused by different factors like inadequate data protection policies, missing data encryption, improper encryption, software flaws, or improper data handling. It is different from data breach where the hacker accesses data in an unauthorized way.

Examples of data susceptible to exposure include, Bank account numbers, Credit card numbers, session token etc.,

Insufficient Transport Layer Protection

Security threats like account theft, site exposure, man-in-the middle attacks, phishing are possible when threat agents exploit the vulnerabilities when mobile app exchanges data in client –server architecture.  This may happen when data traverses the carrier network of the mobile device and the internet, exposing the confidential information stored over the WiFi or local network. It may cause data leakage and may lead to privacy violation charges.

Appropriate measures like trusted CA certificate provider, SSL/TLS security on the transport layer, and solid cipher suites need to be taken up to handle the issue.

Client-side injections

Mobile apps usually have a client-server architecture, with the app stores like Google Play being the client. Consumers usually interact with these clients to make purchases, view alerts, notifications etc., It is observed that the vulnerabilities on the client side are of high risk to mobile security and can lead to authentication problem and software infections.  

Security misconfiguration

A mobile app becomes vulnerable to attackers when all the required security controls for app or server are not properly implemented or configured. Loose firewall policies, app permissions, and failure to implement proper authentication and validation checks can cause security breach and lead to undesirable consequences.