The email will probably warn user of a serious problem that requires immediate attention. It may use phrases, such as "Immediate attention required," or "Please contact us immediately about your account and also they may threaten consequences if user fail to respond.

For Example: Let's have a look at a Phishing email sent in the name of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW). At a glance, this email might look real, but actually it is not. When observe clearly, there are a few warning signs that indicate that the mail is a fake email.

  • The subject of the fraud email would be: free COVID-19 testing for all the residents of Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Chennai and Ahmedabad inciting them to provide personal information.
  • The mail referred the ministry as’ ministry of health and family wellfare, government of india’  where the it should have been  ‘Ministry of Health and Family Wellfare, Government of India’  
  • The mail is commonly addressed as ‘Dear Citizen’, which is a warning sign
  • The mail is addressed from ‘Ministry of  Health and family welfare’ with no specific designation mentioned
  • Ministries under Government of India will only give notification through trusted government sources regarding  wellfare packages announced for citizens and will not send personal emails to individuals seeking personal data.
  • When a user clicks on the link mentioned in the email, they will be redirected to malicious websites which asks them enter their personal information.
  • The link mentioned in the email is shortened url without https indicating that the link is not secure.