To safeguard oneself from internet addiction and to counteract or avoid internet addiction involves a combination of strategies and measures. These measures help  to regain control over an individual’s online behavior and develop healthier digital habits. It requires initiating proactive measures to establish and maintain healthy and balanced approach towards online and offline activities.

Here are some effective measures that can help address and avoid internet addiction:

Self-Awareness: Recognize and acknowledge the signs and symptoms of internet addiction in your behavior, such as excessive screen time, neglecting responsibilities, social isolation, loss of interest etc., becoming aware of these signs and acknowledging the fact that it needs to be addressed appropriately is the first step in direction of corrective measure.

Set Clear Goals with a proper schedule: Define specific goals for your internet usage, both in terms of duration and purpose. This will help you stay focused and avoid aimless browsing.  Also develop a daily or weekly schedule that allocates dedicated time for online activities. Stick to this schedule to avoid excessive use.

Prioritize Responsibilities: Ensure that work, school, and other responsibilities are completed before engaging in leisurely internet use.

Limit Social Media: Reduce the time spent on social media platforms by setting time limits or scheduling specific times for checking social accounts.

Avoid distraction with the help of apps and other online features: Make use of apps or built-in features on your devices that track screen time and allow you to set daily limits for specific apps or websites. Use website blockers or parental control software to block access to websites or apps that are particularly addictive or distracting. Unsubscribe from unnecessary email newsletters and unfollow or mute accounts that contribute to mindless scrolling or negative emotions. Also disable non-essential notifications on your devices to reduce the constant distractions that can lead to excessive internet use.