Digital Detox Days: Designate specific days or weekends as "digital detox" days when you completely disconnect from the internet to recharge and engage in offline activities.

Find Offline Hobbies and engage in physical activities: Explore and develop offline hobbies and interests that provide enjoyment and fulfillment outside of the digital world. Engage in play time and spend time in nature, make regular exercise that can help reduce the urge to spend excessive time online and improve overall well-being.

Set Device-Free Zones and allocate time for family and friends: Designate areas in your home where the use of electronic devices is prohibited, such as the bedroom or dining area.  Also make it a practice to spend quality time with friends and family.

Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness techniques can help you become more self-aware and help you become more aware of your online habits and make conscious choices about your internet use.

Seek Social Support and professional advice as required : Share your goals with friends or family members who can help hold you accountable and provide support in reducing internet use. If you find it challenging to control internet use on your own, consider seeking guidance from a therapist or counselor who specializes in addiction or behavioral issues.

Implementing these remedial measures can help you regain control over your online behavior and lead a healthier, more balanced life. However it is important to remember that breaking the cycle of internet addiction may take time and effort, so one should be patient enough in overcoming it and try to celebrate each small progress ogress along the way.